Monday, November 26, 2012

The Cypher's Den Interview

I was blessed last night to have the second radio interview last night in support of my upcoming album Marathon with The Cyphers Den, a blogtalk radio show out of Atlanta, GA, which was sent to me by my publicist Makasha. She sent over the series of questions that they would likely ask while I was on the air, and as usual, I immediately began working on going over the answers. I prefer to be prepared, and then be able to speak off the cuff if necessary beyond my written answers.

At 6 PM Central Time last night, I called in to the show, and the host Tari immediately began talking with me regarding the topic of the night, which was whether it was a good idea or not for the states who have petitioned the US to be able to leave the Union. I gave my thoughts, and then she moved on to the first guest on the show, a spoken word poet from Atlanta (who was good, by the way). Once the first guest was done, it was my turn (My interview section began at 27:00, for those who may want to hear that portion).

I had the opportunity to speak on my musical influences and people who inspired me as an artist and producer, such as Fred Hammond and Prince, Jodeci, and Marvin Sapp, and was able to speak on some of my experiences with great artists, my greatest obstacles to success, and they also played three of the songs from my debut Christian album Marathon, "Enough", the first mainstream single, "Go", the 3rd single, and "Put Up With Me", the most personal song on the album, which I wrote for my great aunt Mama Ruth (Margaret Ruth James), who passed away from cancer July 26, 2002, but was one of the major influences on my life and someone who loved, supported, and prayed for me to be in the position I'm now in and to be the man that I've finally become.

I truly enjoyed the entire show, and am grateful to the hosts Tari and Quon for their joy and hospitality. Some hosts are lifeless and dull, and that was NOT the case last night. I had fun. I've posted a link to the interview now for you guys to check it out if you like. Enjoy!!

(Note, if you just want to hear the songs from the album, they played them at the following times:
"Enough" - 34:10
"Go" - 115:50
"Put Up With Me" - 151:30)


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